If we going to survive on Earth, we need wise leaders.
To help people fulfill the need to align with their
wise self, higher self, "the better angels of our nature”,
we are developing the Wisdom Index to help humanity and Earth.
We identify traits of wise people and wise leaders.
"Humans have the
potential for evil and good.
For thousands of years, they suffered
through the harm of brutalists, and still do.
The only way to save planet Earth is by getting rid
of foolish, selfish, irrational, militaristic leaders who hurt
humanity, society, and nature, and benefit themselves.
We now need wise leaders for every nation on Earth
who are rational, relational, relevant, and real.
We need to collaborate to do this."
Sandy Hinden
"Elite-directed growth
is when power has become concentrated among elites
— decision-makers who make decisions that benefit themselves
but are maladaptive for the population and environment
because these decision-makers are insulated
from the impacts of their policies.
They are either unaware of the
adverse consequences of
their policies or they
don't care."
Savanna Schuermann
Our world needs
wisdom, wellness, peace, and love.
We are here to help you find them.
Contact us if you have any questions.