Wisocracy is a place for you to experience your most authentic self, wisdom, and wellbeing, where you transform your life to feeling good and acting in ways that benefit you, your family, your community, and the world.
Feeling overwhelmed? You can join up with other conscious, compassionate, creative, collaborative people locally or online in a program to help you gain peace, balance, and wellness.
This program helps you understand vices, virtues, values, the Heroic Journey, mindfulness, meditation, and the sacredness of our lives and our planet in an evolving universe. We will explore how the universal quests for sex, love, money, success, power, status, luxury, and even wellness can lead to encounters with our own and others’ egotism, greed, betrayal, malevolence, addiction, and foolishness. We may then experience the woundedness of humiliation, feeling less-than, anger, resentment, upsetment, boredom, sadness, fear, powerlessness, aimlessness, and lovelessness. If we are wise and courageous, we may then take the Journey to the Sacred Center Within to discover the inner treasures we need to have an enjoyable, fulfilling, and satisfying life with others.
Foolish humans are destroying humanity and Earth. They often become obsessed with sex, beauty, money, power, weapons, status symbols, travel, food, entertainment, cars, sports, alcohol, drugs, shopping, and social media. We need to help humans evolve rapidly to save humanity and Earth. This program meets monthly to help people evolve in consciousness, character, communication, creativity, and collaboration to help people create meaningful, satisfying, helpful, healthy lives.
If we going to survive on Earth, we need wise leaders. To help people fulfill the need to align with their wise self, higher self, "the better angels of our nature”, we are developing the Wisdom Index to help humanity and Earth. We identify traits of wise people and wise leaders.
A cold, unfriendly, distrustful world leads to conflict, war, and harm to people and nature. Being Friendly Helps (B.F.H.) is a monthly program
to help libraries, organizations, and communities be friendlier and help people become friends. These sponsored programs are provided free to the public worldwide. You can see the Being Friendly Helps program here.
Grievance and resentment politics are tearing families, communities, nations, and the world apart. We are providing a monthly program for men of all ages to feel good about themselves and to develop a practice of wisdom and wellbeing that can help them take good care of themselves throughout their lives.
Men cause most of the problems in the world. This program provides understanding for men, and people who would like to help boys and men become wiser, have healthy relationships, and fulfilling lives.
Most people experience some great difficulty in their lives. We can understand our wounds and heal with self-awareness, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-kindness, and self-care.
Our world needs
wisdom, wellness, peace, and love.
We are here to help you find them.
Contact us if you have any questions.