The Daily Meditation Circle
can help us use positive energy
to gain balance, harmony, and peace in our lives.
We are creating a Community of Care.
Join us when you can.
12 PM ET on Zoom.
People are experiencing great stress from toxic media (sex & violence), disinformation, political polarization and hostility, the spread of war, social fragmentation, and climate disasters.
Wow... that is a lot of negativity and stress! ☹️ Not fun!
People can then turn to numerous pleasurable pastimes and binge on media, games, stock and crypto trading, food, alcohol, marijuana, shopping, car speeding, and gambling. They can then get lost in any of these, isolate, and not develop healthy habits, healthy relationships, and healthy goals.
Obsession and compulsive behavior can take hold, and people may hide, pretend, and withhold what is really going on for them, becoming unhealthier by the day, week after week.
If they then realize they have a problem, health plans often don't make it easy to find affordable psychological help. And they can be afraid of seeking help, not wanting it on their medical records.
I understand addiction well. Been there, done that, as they say. I see that anything can become stressful and intense and then feel addictive.
Even the drive for success can become warped and obsessive when blended with intense social media, clicking and scrolling for more and more digital stimulation.
AI Addiction may lead to AI Anonymous in the future... 12 Steps for AI Addiction.
Wow.. this all can get so weird.
We need a return to wellness and simplicity, positivity and serenity.
Self-compassion, self-appreciation, and self-kindness really help.
To do a reset, I created the Daily Meditation Circle. I am providing this Daily Meditation Circle as a way to help people build a Community of Care for people seeking healthy habits, healthy relationships, and healthy goals, all within a practice of positive energy, balance, harmony, and inner and outer peace.
Feel free to share this with friends.
I'll provide more tips here to help you understand more of what helps. The tips are from my study, experiences, and teaching positive psychology, meditation, wellness, and addiction recovery techniques.
If you like, we can create a Peace Meditation Circle on LinkedIn. Let's be in touch, and help each other stay balanced, in harmony, and at peace, with positive energy 💛
Take care of your feelings and needs each day. That is the secret to wellness.
We can assess what we are feeling. Our feelings are based on our needs. Our needs are being met, or not being met at any given time. If our needs are not being met, we don't feel well, and may mindlessly choose to use unhealthy pleasures to ease the pain we are feeling. We can also become aware of our feelings, and we can mindfully choose to take care of our feeeling, and the need that is not being met, in a healthy way.
We have many different needs: physical, emotional, social, mental, aesthetic, philosophical and spiritual. We can become aware of our needs and consciously choose to meet our own needs. How we meet our needs may affect how we can meet other needs.
People may seek to satisfy their needs in healthy or unhealthy ways. An example is people have the need to be in a healthy, loving relationship. Sometimes that need is not able to be met because:
If they don't have their need for warmth, love, and comfort met by another person or themselves, they may turn to online sexual activities. They can over-satisfy their sexual need, while seriously inhibiting the possibility of satisfaction of other needs, like social and emotional needs.
You can see the Needs Satisfiers chart in the slides above to learn more about Need Satisfiers. People may have the need for affordable housing, career development, retirement savings, and other needs and be having a hard time meeting those needs in a healthy way. All of that can also impact having a healthy, loving relationship.
We all have the need for effective governments to help solve many of the difficult problems of society today. We have many programs here on to help create a better government for wiser people, wiser leaders, wiser systems, and wiser democracy.
We welcome you to join us. It can help you meet your needs for connection and community building by being with other compassionate, caring, creative thinking, collaborative people online.
You can see more in our blog article, Marriage on the Decline: Economic, Social & Modern Shifts, here.
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Our world needs
wisdom, wellness, peace, and love.
We are here to help you find them.
Contact us if you have any questions.