is developing two video games:
The Land of Wisdomia and
Diplomacy Challenge - A World Peace Video Game.
You can learn about them
by going to the page links below.
If you have an interest
in game development or in
financing game development as a partner
you can contact us.
“Wisocracy and all its resources are extremely valuable – there is so much carefully crafted information, pushing awareness through wisdom and understanding which can seem obvious once it’s stated. You are doing wonderful and highly valuable work, and it is making a significant difference.”
James Morrow
"With crystal clarity, you concisely
put together with beautiful graphics,
what is wrong with the world
and how to fix it."
Richard Denton, MD
for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Our world needs
wisdom, wellness, peace, and love.
We are here to help you find them.
Contact us if you have any questions.